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The Rhode Island Shellfish Restoration and Enhancement Plan (RISREP) is underway.  Please visit their website and learn more information on this plan and how to participate.  The RISREP is a project originating out of RI DEM.  The RI Shellfisherman’s Association is a partner in this project. Rhode Island Shellfish Restoration and Enhancement Plan (risrep.org)

RI Shellfish Harvester Restrictions Map (App.) and Narragansett Bay Chart

1. Please go to the following link for the RI Shellfish Harvest Restrictions (App.) Map (Source: RIDEM) https://ridemgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=110a7a4aec914a3492117e9848fe67da 2. Please go to the following links to view Narragansett Bay chart you may find useful in pursuing your catches. https://charts.noaa.gov/PDFs/13221.pdf

Required Shellfish Harvester Course

NOTICE: All RI licensed commercial shellfish harvesters are now required to take a Shellfish Harvester Education Course. Go to the link we are providing for full details. https://www.ri.gov/dem/training/shellfish/

Boating Safety Course Required

Important note: If you were born on or after January 1, 1986 you must pass a boating safety course to operate most vessels in Rhode Island. See online links for more information. RI DEM explanation of the requirement: http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/bnatres/enforce/boatreqt.htm Link to the boating course: https://www.boat-ed.com/rhodeisland/

RI Shellfisherman’s Assoc. & Newport Restaurant Group

In collaboration with the Rhode Island Shell Fisherman’s Association, our kitchens are featuring Top Neck Clams all summer long to promote this under-utilized, abundant and sustainable local bivalve. Available at Hemenway’s, The Mooring and TRIO Rhode Island Shell Fisherman’s Association & the Newport Restaurant Group This is a great opportunity for Rhode Island fisherman, the […]